Adam Moore, Ambient scheme (2023). Video, 2 minutes 41 seconds.

Lotte Van Gelder, Raviv Gankrow and Adam Moore worked together collaborating and co-teaching at Destination Unknown 2023. Destination Unknown (DU) is a non-profit organisation that offers a working period for young artists in locations which are temporarily vacant; waiting to be reclaimed by new owners or waiting to be demolished. Artists are invited to fill these vacancies with creative site-specific ideas and interventions, reacting on the environment of the location. DU is a nomadic organisation, which implies that it is based at different locations every year. In 2023 DU was based in the former Philips factory in Roermond made available by Matzinger real estate to serve as a workshop for artists during the months of July, August and September. During this work period, Raviv Gankrow, Lotte Van Gelder, and Adam Moore were invited to give workshops and to enter into dialogue with the participating artists. DU 2023 was supported by the Mondrian Foundation.

Adam Moore, Sites of Syntropy (2023). Photographic series, Roermond, NL.

DU is raised from the need to give a platform to young artists. DU realizes from personal experience that it is difficult for young artists to gain access to institutes that offer them the opportunity to show their talent and to evolve. Therefore DU will not only facilitate an exhibition opportunity, but will focus explicity on artistic and personal growth.

Together, Lotte, Raviv, and Adam worked on-site with DU 2023 artists: Caroline Sarneel, Daan Russcher, Juliana Zepka, Karla Paredes, Lola Schot, Michele Bazzoli, Ratri Notosudirdjo, Renée Stravers, Sjors Smit, Yeonwoo Chang . They explored synergies and correlations between their practices working with site, sound, materials and people, the choreography of attention, modes of sensitised perception and presence, dancing, the choreography of social space, gathering, occurrences of syntropy, and diarising ambience and practice – in order to demonstrate the breadth of dimensions due consideration, that can each be pursued simultaneously, in relation to creative practice in the built environment with others. (Or something like this. We all unravelled..)

Special thanks to

Linda Lennsen and the DU2023 team

Deepest gratitude, love, and admiration for the Destination Unknown 2023 artists

Caroline Sarneel, Daan Russcher, Juliana Zepka, Karla Paredes, Lola Schot, Michele Bazzoli, Ratri Notosudirdjo, Renée Stravers, Sjors Smit, Yeonwoo Chang

my collaborator and friend Lotte Van Gelder

and maestro Raviv Gankrow
