Farther. Like a dream unfinished into ever uses dance, projected photographs and video, architecture, and music to explore memory, home, lineage, place, and the body as a container and conduit between all of these.

A container, spaciousness, many portals, ways in and out, doors, windows, opening, clattering open, closing, peeking, speaking. High ceilings, many planes, surfaces and pulls. A place holder for feeling’s knowings. Sense impressions reverberate in a quiet crystalline mind.

Bathing, luxuriating in desire, timeless and expired, textures and surfaces appear, gradually realise. Memories in gradients, futures flickering into view calcify delicately, vaporise and disappear.

Ghosts ghost. Dancing through, with, in between, over, under, inside out and outside within. An apparition expanding in good time to drift dreamily like a dream unfinished into ever.

Dance azure blue rough Atlantic waves, pink sands and caves… high columns of clouds; tropical tempests; rubbery elasticity, palm boughs sway. Dance liquidity, clarity, voluminosity. Sulphur. Night chirping. Leaves breathing.

Leaves gobbling, reaching, towards the water falling; pretty hard gravity. Ambient schemes and sonic imaginations. Landing; heavy water; a chorus of hands falling firm on my shoulders; togetherness. Potholes in the streets curved and swerved round, into, and over routinely. 

Movements to live by.

Performed at BATTENBERG The Art of Performance
WAY OUT EAST Gallery, London

Special thanks to
Edward C Ball

