Earth Day 22 April 2022, An evening of readings with Iris and Adam Moore, Abby Nocon, Sophie Seita, and Florence Uniacke. Camera: Rosie Reed-Gold. Video recording by Rosie Reed-Gold, Edited by Adam Moore.

An evening of readings on Earth Day, Friday 22 April 2022 with Adam Moore, Abby Nocon, Sophie Seita, and Florence Uniacke.

Earth Day Readings, commissioned and presented at Large Glass Gallery London during Iris, 11 Mar–30 Apr 2022, curated by Edward C Ball:

Commissioned by Large Glass Gallery to help promote awareness for the health of our planet for Iris, Earth Day Readings. Having recently returned from a visit to one of the exhibiting artists, Andrea Zittel, in her home in Joshua Tree, California, Adam was inspired by Zittel’s artwork, Warp and Weft Study (rust, white and black), to explore both the artwork and the process and notion of rusting facing ecological crisis and breakdown.


by Adam Moore

Nine shapes share 12 edges. Wedged deep in an irregular, black octohedron (perhaps two fifths their combined total mass, to the wondering eye), each is in shelter, not in shade. Shielded and held in an opening of sorts. An insertion. Temperate and formal, intuition distinguishes the matter: there’s warmth, I think. A hair’s breadth, a knife edge, a fine line of fine lines, a circumspect balancing of biases, sure. But there is an edge to the whole, retaining… constraining, even – the way shapes sit and stack. Presume three walls, not four; two lie beside and one before. That, is obscured. Three clearly see above the parapet. Hues degarde down, and right, from flint to slate to bark. Buried in black, from right, and upward, aggrading dried blood drops to fainter shades, then bark? A jolt, a breath, a rest, off white left of centre. There is an edge to the volume.

It dries (the blood) — and bakes (the shit)

against blue skies before noon.

Burns the sky to pink and green.
